フォームに入力、カラーやフォントを選んで印刷データが \簡単/ \無料/で作れます。
Just by inputting data to forms and choosing color and font,YOU CAN MAKE PRINT DATA. \Easy/ \Free/
●手芸など作品の紹介 Introduction of the handcrafts作成例 Sample
●お料理のレシピカード Recipe作成例 Sample
●お店のチラシ Flyer作成例 Sample
などが、カンタン印刷で パッと見られる! スグ配れる!
If you print it in this site seen immediately! distribution with no time!
Choose the color to like*Please use it with a PC
Please read following How to use.
If you register it as a favourite, please register this page.
As the color sometimes changes, registration may not exist.